Foundation AntySchematy2, Tomasz Malec and Inga Marczyńska with children and friends, on the 75th anniversary commemorated the victims of the Nazi crime in the forest in Krajowice. August 12, 1942, the Nazis murdered 260 people in the forest in Krajowice – the Jewish community of Poland. The grave of the Jewish people commemorates the people who in 1942 were displaced from their homes from the Kołaczyce, Brzostek and neighboring villages and then transported to a temporary Jewish camp set up in Kołaczyce.
After a few days, stay in the camp, people were taken to the forest in Krajowice and shot. Children were murdered cruelly. Tamar and Daphne Dor-Ner`s great grandfather, Abraham Berl, with their daughters, sons and son-in-law, and many other prominent and good Jewish personalities , are buried in the grave. In the forest, in hiding, for years there lay only in the grass a symbolic matzevot of unknown origin. Today the grave area was fenced and the matzevot and the plaque were assembled in place of commemorations. Finally, it is time to commemorate the victims of this terrible crime of genocide. Dyr. Adam Bartosz from the District Museum in Tarnow and prof. Jonathan Webber from Jagiellonian University in Cracow made a grave fence.
The grave is covered with a stone plate bearing the inscription: “Here are the remains of about 260 people from the Kołaczyc, murdered on August 12, 1942 by Nazi thugs”.